Sunday, March 20, 2011

Pictures of our Leah bug

Leah on a Rody horse, she loved it! I think we might get it for her birthday. It looks like a little fat mexican horse...oh well :)

Crazy hair after her bath

Leah loves the park, especially the swings, can you tell?

Her new favorite thing to do...sometimes I will let her play in it for awhile or the tupperware cupboard.

Daddy spilled some flour, so we let her play in it. She tried eating it at one point, but didnt like the taste, haha

Our little gangster.

Bike riding to the park for a picnic

Our Sunday walk with the Newrens. We went and fed the horses down the street.

Messy face. Leah loves avacados, one of her favorite foods.

Mommy and Leah eating lunch.

Bath time. Another favorite thing to do. She got some new toys the other day and was so excited. She stayed in the tub for forever!

Leah trying to eat Jake's nose, so funny.

I was not feeling good so Leah and I stayed home from church, we still dressed up though and took some pictures.

She stands up so well, I think only a matter of weeks and she will be walking. Crazy!

My little princess.

She is starting to look more like a toddler now than a baby and it makes me sad.

Playing peek-a-boo. She loves that game :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Catch up time :)

So it is time to play catch up on what we have been up to the last month and a half. I wish I was better at blogging and doing it weekly or even everyother week, but alas I am a busy girl and I often put this on the end of my to do list.  Anyway,  things are going great in our family. Leah is getting bigger and keeping us entertained and busy! She is learning so much these days, it really is amazing. She is not walking yet, but that is okay with me. I am not ready to chase her around. She says mama and dada now and a few other babbling words, its really cute :) She gives hugs and gives me wet, slobbery kisses and she is starting to blow kisses too. She is a big eater now and her new favorite thing to eat is cheese-loves it (but then again who doesn't?) She is finally sleeping a little better, but we are still working on it. She got really sick for the first time last week, it was awful! Throwing up, diarrhea, cold, cough and no appetite. Poor baby all she did was nurse a little and sleep for 2 days and then she slowly started getting better, but she was not back to her old self until a week later. Now I think she is playing catch up because she nurses and eats sooo much. But then again I guess she is a growing baby. So not sure why I can't upload any pictures, but I will get them up as soon as I can so you can see a few of the things we have been doing :) Other then Leah, we are getting ready to move here in the next month or so...we put an offer in on a house and are waiting to see if it will go through. If it doesnt we will just keep looking while living with my parents over the summer. The mortaury has been a great job for the last year and a half, but we are ready to move on. If anyone is interested in moving in, let us know! Free rent, all utilities, internet and cable free+they pay you $200 a month. Granted you do have to work for it, but it is pretty easy for what you get. Let me know if you are interested! Other then that nothing really new, we can't wait for Spring and for it to start getting warmer.