Katie is freaking out! (She is sitting here dictating to me) She wishes we would have just eloped like her dad told her too! It would have been so much easier and less expensive. There's just a lot to do and now that we're coming down to the wire it seems like there's still a ton to do! Jake still hasn't delivered all his invitations yet. *gosh*
We finally got the key to our apartment and are starting to move our stuff in tomorrow (Friday). We get married a week from Saturday and then school starts on that Wednesday so we're trying to get all moved in before. We'll be staying at Invited Inn in Midway on Saturday and Sunday night. We'll only have Tuesday to get situated and to settle into our new lives. Katie's actually pretty nervous to move in with a boy!! (and other things ha ha) Jake's just excited and can't wait.
We had a good Christmas. We both got a wedding for our Christmas presents. We finished our first year of doing the 12 days of Christmas. We're hoping to make it a new tradition for us. We didn't do very well this time though. We're new at this and actually forgot the tenth day of Christmas. We had to make it up on the eleventh day. We even got caught today. It was well worth it though. Service is Great!
4 Months - Hailey
5 years ago