Most of you are going to think, by the title, that this is Katie's post, but guess what...It's not!

This might be hard for some of you to believe and Mom probably won't believe it, but I love veggies!! Since Katie and I have gotten married I've put on a little weight and in an effort to get in shape for football, I've been munching on vegetables. My wonderful and healthy wife has been helping me (and at first --- strongly encouraging me) to eat better. She cuts me up a baggie full of vegetables to take to work. At first I would grimace when eating them, but I've come to like them. I really like the peppers. They're a little sweeter then the others. (Too bad we ran out of peppers this morning.) I love this! I feel like I am experiencing something completely new. Don't get me wrong, they're not as delicious as brownies or ice-cream, but I really enjoy munching on them.'s the part that Mom won't believe...Katie had to run to the grocery store yesterday to buy more...get this....GREEN BEANS!! That's right, I like them. For the better part of my life I have claimed that green beans were my worse enemy and now I eat a healthy portion of them everyday.

I still don't know if I like the cooked mushy version of my enemy, but I definitely like them raw and uncooked. In fact, I'm eating one as we speak and I'm smiling while I do it!! HA HA HA!! I've overcome my enemy! I win!! (cheesy, I know). Other veggies that I've come to like are carrots and, yep, even the most bitter of them all..Celery! Anyway, I think this veggie post has gone on long enough. Suffice to say that I've recently added a few years on to my sweet chocolaty life! I hope this confession hasn'

t inspired mine or Katie's mom to stop cooking delicious unhealthy desserts and start preparing steamed vegetables to eat after Sunday dinner. That would be an undeserving punishment for a changed and repentant man. All I'm saying is that my wife has helped me to become a healthier man and I thank her for that.
hhhmm...I wonder what I'll do with those few extra years that have just been added onto the end of my life.... any ideas?