Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Mini Vacations

Jake, Leah and I dont take a lot of vacations. There are lots of reasons, trying to save money for other things, too busy (school, work), not able to get off work at either jobs etc. However we like to go on little trips and outings with our families and friends and that is good enough for us :) (at least for now). Anyway last weekend was Springbreak for both families so we took advantage and did some fun stuff. Here are some pictures of course of our adventures. Enjoy!

Newren family at the zoo

Matthew, Emily, Leah and Papa

Leah and I by watching the elephants.

She loved her first time to the zoo! They had a cute baby elephant too that kept doing funny things, it was cool to watch them interact.

Jake and Leah by the monkey cage, the monkeys were her favorite.

So wierd...

Leah gave everyone a break from holding her and rode in the stroller.

Jake kept making peacock noises and the peacock would turn around for us. It happened several times, it was kind of funny. Net time you see Jake ask him to make the sound for you, sounds pretty acurate ;)

The gang!

The next bunch of pictures is of the Maughans and our trip up to Salt Lake City last weekend. We had a great time and did some fun stuff!

Stef, Olive, Miles, and James eating dinner at the Mayan


Grandma and Grandpa,thanks for taking us out for a fun night!

Getting ready to go swimming, Jake decided that he would try nursing Leah. It was so funny, she would go for it and then laugh when his hair tickled her, haha

After swimming

Drinking her Bolt House Green Goodness in a bottle, yum!

The next day we went to the Boondocks, Here is Jake at the batting cages.

Leah is getting better at walking, race car track in the background that we went on later.

James, Josh and Olive went in the bumper boats and got WET, we did too, but just a little bit :)

The guys playing basketball, shootin' some hoops.

Later that night we went back to grandma and grandpas for a cookout and games.

Leah had fun in the swing too!

Leah, Stefanie and Olive played in the dirt too, it was a very fun weekend!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Fun times with family

We have a lot of fun with our family. Both of them, but this post is mostly about mine, the Newrens. The other week we celebrated my uncles birthday by going to a jumping, foam pit, trampoline place....I can't remember what it is called :) Anyway it was way fun! We all had a good time the kids and adults. Here are a few pictures of everyone-

Papa in the foam pit

Grandmama in the foam pit

The Gang-Jake, Matthew, mom and Greg

The rest of the gang- papa, Emma, Greg, Erin and Seth

The boys

Leah in the swing, she loved it!

Daddy and Leah

She was a little scared going through the tunnel, but after the first few times she loved it :)

Climbing on the pads

She loved everything about the place except the foam pits. Silly girl.

She liked riding this bike thing, but loved just pushing it around even more, it was cute to watch.

Leah and I

The daddys were tuckered out after playing hard, haha :)

A few days later Leah, my sister Hannah and I went up to Orem to eat lunch with Jacob. We packed a lunch and went to a park, it was so beautiful outside! It was relaxing, yummy and great to hang out for awhile. We can't wait for the weather to get nice and stay that way. Here are a few more pictures of the day-

My two favorite people!

She was in such a funny mood when we got to the park, she was so calm and just looked around at all the kids playing at the park and us eating lunch, it was cute.

Not the best picture of us girls, but it was the only one I had.

Playing peek-a-boo. This is the first time she wore short sleeves this year and I think she looks so cute! Later that day we went rollerbladding up the canyon and she actually got a little sunburned! I felt so bad.

And here are a few cute pictures just because :)

Sleeping beauty...how come she sleeps so well in our bed???

She looks so big, I can't believe she is almost 1!

Eating breakfast. I usually sit her on the counter and feed her. Probably not the best idea, I may regret it later when she doesn't like sitting in her highchair.

Not sure what she is doing, but I think her little belly is so cute, haha

She is walking sort of, she still won't take more then 5 or 6 steps, but she will when she is ready :) right?

My baby and me! Love her soooo much!

One of her favorite things to do-go through mommy's purse.