Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Our life the last few months

         So our little Leah bug is growing so big! It is amazing how they are a newborn and then all of a sudden they are a 3 month old. She is learning to do lots of new things - smile, laugh, lift her head up for long periods, stand up (with our help), look at her toys. "goo" and "gaa" etc - they may seem like small accomplishments, but for a baby they are big steps :) She is sleeping pretty good, but is still waking up quite a few times during the night. Needless to say we are going to start working on the sleep thing soon, haha. Jake and I are absolutally loving being parents! Leah is such a wonderful baby and we love her so much!
         Okay, so a little update on us since it has been a few months since we last blogged...Jake got a new job at APEX Alarms which he is enjoying for the most part. The only issue is that he has 12 hour days during the summer months, so it is alot of work on his part. I am enjoying being a stay at home mom, it has a few challanges, but I love being home with my little daughter! We have done a few fun things this summer... camping in the backyard, blessing Leah, 4th of July fireworks and festivities, having friend get togethers and  playing soccer and football. The rest of the summer holds some fun too!  We are looking forward to the rodeo with Jake's family and the Newren family reunion at the end of this month. We also get to go see the Lion King on broadway next month, we have heard that it is amazing so we are excited! Anyway that is about it, here are a few pictures from the last month or so :)

Us on a Sunday afternoon

We went to the farmers market in Provo. We found some head bands for Leah's hair :)

Leah with Papa and Grandmama

Leah kicked the neck of her nightgown way far down...it was a little big.

She looks like a little referee here, so cute!

Just being a happy girl :)

 Jacob got me flowers, he is so sweet.

Me and my little princess.

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