Wednesday, July 28, 2010


       So my friend Amber took some cute pictures of Leah yesterday and I thought I would share. Leah cooperated for the most part, but I realized now why people get pictures done when they are newborns..because they are so much easier to move around and they stay in positions :) haha well they still turned out cute, so I am a happy.

     Leah has learned a few more things recently. She has rolled over quite a few times from her tummy to her back, but I think that she still has a ways to go before she actually realizes she can do it :) She also has found her voice, she screeches all the time and it's so funny to hear. She laughs now when we tickle her, but a few times we have just been playing and she will giggle too. She has also been a little monster at night, sometimes she will wake up every two hours!I think she may be on a growth spurt, but soon we are going to start sleep training. We really do love her so much though, she is our little angel (most of the time). We are heading down to our family reunion this will be our first vacation with Leah. It's strange packing for three people now instead of two. We hope she will be good on the drive down :) Anyway thats it for now, I will update again soon!                                                                                                                                    


  1. She's adorable! Those are such cute pictures!

  2. What a beautiful baby girl. I am so happy to know her. Mom told me about the screeching...can't wait to hear it.
    P.S. I have a bumbo for you to use for a few months. I will bring it next time we come down.

  3. oh my gosh, she's so cute! Isabel's been rolling over too, but also by accident. Love the pics!
